8D Problem Solving

8D Problem Solving

This one-day interactive course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to take a problem through a process involving tools such as 5-Whys, Brainstorming, Fishbone Diagrams, and others.

This training will orient participants to the problem solving basics and 8-D reporting methods. Discussions and exercises involving problem solving tools are part of this seminar.

Target Audience:
Any employee tasked with performing the typical problem-solving activities when trying to determine the root cause(s) of a customer complaint or internally required corrective actions.

Learning Outcomes:
After attending this course, learners will have received the knowledge and tools needed to objectively identify the problem, isolate the root cause, and document the entire process.

The learner will be able to:
Discuss requirements of disciplined problem solving methods such as 8-D.
Have the ability to practice problem solving tools such as:
Cause & Effect (fishbone) analysis
Scatter diagraming
5-Whys and the 3 legged 5-Why Process
Flow Chart a Process, etc.
Define the interrelationship of root cause analysis and problem solving